Friday, June 27, 2008

Mokitown - Best Free Games Online

Mokitown is an interesting and fun Free Game Online that looks very much like a free version of Habbo Hotel. It is a virtual city game in which children around the world can play online with each other and chat online with each other. Kids can meet each other online to play in adventures and also learn more about traffic rules. Kids that move around Mokitown in a safe way earn points which can be traded in for extras.

Mokitown offers many different online games that are based around traffic safety, mobility, and fairplay and this gives the city a very unique character. Mokitown is a lot of fun, since it brings a good message in such a playful way. This free online game for kids is provided by the Daimler Corp. and is played completely in your browser. So if you want a free Habbo Hotel game play this.
Mokitown Best Free Games Online
Keep checking back here for more of the Best Free Games Online. Go here for Free Online Pokemon Games and Good Free Online RPG Games

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